
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Jesus H. Christ!

I got this email from newsmax to day and it is was the straw that broke my poor camels back. Then just a few hours later I hear from a friend that, upon coming out of the theater to see "The DaVinci Code" , they have envelopes with these books on their windshield that are anti-DaVinci Code. Can't a person enjoy a work of fiction without rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth, bible thumping crowd acting like it is going to bring civilization as we know it to a halt? Sure they have the right to spend poor Aunt Edna's tithe any way they want but for crying out loud. This has roughly the same warm fuzzy as the inquisition or the Witch Hunts. But not the Crusades; that was different. Did you see the Jews getting up in arms about "The Passion"? Well, bad example maybe. The point is, ITS A MOVIE based ON A BOOK that was loosely based on a sort of fable, urban legend, religious myth smelter that is supposed to have a fun factor in a "National Treasure" way. I don't think you will see anyone digging up the streets of Philadelphia nor having any epiphany, or anti-epiphany from seeing a movie.

Quickly! Get a life before it's over!

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