
Friday, April 21, 2006

Day One. Take it easy and let's not get fancy mister.

Today is my birthday. This is my first night with the Blogger. I shan't get fancy at this point. Heck, I may never get fancy. I don' t have tons of time to be at the computer unless I'm doing something I need to be doing and it usually isn't making web pages purdy.

I'm giving out a shout-out to Marky Mark. He runs Jabberous and if you want to see what real bloggers do then step on over to his booth and see what he's cooking. He's a right fine artist who draws funny pictures and what-not. He calls me Cousin Kirky.

I draw funny pictures too but right now I don't have a fancy web page. I'm just setting up sticks right now. I won't even start to dig footings for a few days I'm sure. That's a construction metaphor just in case I lost you.

Well, I guess I better go. I have stuff to do.


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